Saturday, November 6, 2010

You never told me that!

When I was in college, I was complaining one night on the phone to my mother that I hated certain types of apples because they always got  mushy and mealy after I bought them. The Gala apple variety was the one I was thinking of at the time, but Red Delicious is another offender (and even my beloved  green Granny Smith is not exempt). You bite into it, and it just rolls around in your mouth like wet sand. Apples are my favorite fruit, but there’s not much worse than a mealy apple. Ick!

Anyway, my mom said, “But you have to keep them in the refrigerator, so they stay crisp.” I was astounded. Why had no one told me this before? Why did my mother wait until I was in college to mention this?  To be fair, I had never asked her, but still.  It never came up once when I was a kid? She must have assumed I knew it already.

I’ve started this blog as a way to share with others the stuff that my mother (and father) did tell me, as well as the stuff I’ve picked up along the way that might be less-than-obvious to others (or maybe it is obvious; maybe it’s just me that’s clueless. Apples!  Who knew!). Also, it gives me a chance to be bossy.

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